Ultrasound Guided Injections
We are pleased to announce that from 1st December, Curian Medical will be able to offer ultrasound guided injections for a fixed fee at over 40 of our partner facilities across the UK. We aim to bring you more facilities in 2016 and we will keep you informed of our progress with regular communication and updates.
Instructions from today for this treatment should be sent to your account handler here at Curian Medical via the dedicated email account that we have set up for your organisation.
A member of our Curative Team will keep you informed of your patients appointment via our bespoke patient management database.
Ultrasound guided injections are a radiological procedure where an ultrasound machine is used to guide a needle through the skin into the affected area so a small amount of medication (steroid or local anaesthetic) can be injected, in order to reduce the pain that your patient may have been suffering. The steroid is often injected in combination with an anaesthetic The injection may be into a painful joint, however may also be used to treat inflammation in soft tissues, such as tendons or, tennis elbow. No initial or follow up consultations are required. Whilst image guided injections are not suitable for spinal injections we do offer these services too and your account handler will be happy to assist you with any of your queries surrounding our treatments.
To discuss any of the rehabilitation services or your specific requirements in further detail then please do feel free to contact Amanda O’Neill on 07904 630054 or via email [email protected]
For patients who are unable to travel to one of our partner facilities we are able to provide quotations for venues outside our primary network and your account handler will be most happy to facilitate this.