Resilience Workshop
Here at Curian Medical our employees will be attending a Resilience Workshop on Thursday 9th August the hours of 12.00 noon and 2.00 p.m. During this time you will be able to leave messages and our Curative Team will respond at the earliest opportunity. This session is being delivered by our own Psychotherapy and Psychological Team here at Curian.
What is Resilience?
In the context of psychology, resilience is considered in terms of protective factors that reduce a negative response to an aversive life event or situation. Resilience is characterised by an individual’s ability to foster positive outcomes in spite of serious threats to adaptation or development. Resilience has been characterised as the ability to: “bounce back” and cope effectively in the face of difficulties”; “bend, but not break under extreme stress”, “rebound from adversities”, “handle setbacks, persevere and adapt even when things go awry”, and “maintain equilibrium following highly aversive events” (Luthar, Cicchetti, & Becker, 2000; Masten & Reed, 2002; Rutter, 1999).
Research has indicated that the development of resilience begins in childhood and is predictive of later resilience in adulthood. Important to this concept is the idea that resilience is ‘fluid’ and can change over time.
Therefore, resilience can be viewed as a developmental construct where “Resilience is not a trait that a youth is born with or automatically keeps once it is achieved. Resilience is a complex interactive process.” (Zimmerman & Arunkumar, 1994). More specifically, resilience is something that changes and develops over time, across situations, and from individual to individual.
Typically, research shows that people who exhibit resilience and deal with aversive events in a positive manner are more confident, secure and happy than those who don’t. Therefore, if we want to lead happy and fulfilling lives, it is important for us to pay attention to our personal growth, where we are heading as human beings and more importantly, where we want to be heading. Specifically, if we wish to grow and develop positively as people, and seek to resolve the conflicts of our adult lives, then resilience is essential.
Why is Adult Development Important?
We all develop, irrespective of choice. As Erikson observed, development can occur in a positive or a negative fashion. What is important is that we ensure that we develop in a positive manner. That is, we work through developmental milestones successfully and grow as human beings.
Research has shown that the manner in which a person overcomes developmental milestones has a significant impact on their quality of life. In addition, failing to overcome these milestones can result in lingering personal difficulties. The effect of not overcoming these milestones results in a negative impact on an individual’s social, emotional, physical and cognitive development.
For example, studies of young adults (Barry et al, 2009) have found that their ability to overcome life transitional milestones, such as establishing financial independence and entering the full-time workforce, as well as their ability to establish a sense of identity, had a great impact on the friendships and romantic relationships that they developed. Specifically, individuals who moved smoothly and successfully through these transitions had a stronger self-concept and generally enjoyed more intimate romantic relationships. In addition, links with development and social interactions has shown that successful identity development in emerging adults has also been linked with more pro-social and pro-community behaviour (Marta & Pozzi, 2008).
Furthermore research focussing on the life changes that young adult woman go through when entering into motherhood is associated with their physical health in the short and long term, with more developmentally advanced women having better outcomes. Furthermore, women’s handling of their transition into motherhood can have a big impact on their future quality of life (Lee & Gramotnev, 2007). Failing to effectively adjust to accommodate their new responsibilities, whilst still preserving their lives as independent individuals has been strongly linked to depression later in the lifespan.
Research has further investigated the impact of positive development through adulthood by utilising samples of older adults focusing on later lifespan development. For example, Diehl and Hay (2001) studied middle aged and elder adults and found that an individual’s life history of successfully moving through developmental transitions affected their ability to deal with life stress. Specifically, those adults who were more successful over the course of their lives in achieving developmental milestones were less affected by day to day stressors and were more resilient compared to those who were less successful over the course of their lives.
In summary, the role of adult development is key to an individual’s quality of life in social, emotional, physical and cognitive dimensions. Research has shown that positive development and transitions through adulthood are associated with a better quality of life and can be enhanced through developing resilience.
So, How Do Resilience Workshops Help?
The workshops run by Curian Medical are aimed at developing an individual’s ability to positively respond to negative and challenging events in their life using a resilience tool-box – an array of strategies they can use to reduce stress and overcome the challenges they face. Whatever age and whatever stage of life a person is at, resilience is the enabler that facilitates personal growth and can be used to enhance adult development.
To discover how we can support you with Resilience Workshops do give us a call 0121 732 9860 or email [email protected]