Curian Medical – Your partner of choice for Rehabilitation
Curian Medical works with a variety of organisations and our customer base includes everything from large insurance companies, personal injury solicitors, medical legal agencies to case management firms. Whatever the company size, all our customers receive the same professional care and support.
We pride ourselves on our thorough knowledge of our customers’ requirements and treat them as valued partners in business.
The medico legal sector continues to go through a period of change with 1st October 2014 seeing the introduction of new rules surrounding the cost for obtaining medical reports for low value soft tissue injury (whiplash) claims. Even more announcements are expected in the coming months surrounding further changes within the industry.
Curian Medical welcomes the opportunity to work with even closer with our customers throughout this period of change, discussing any variations to needs and finding solutions to improve business.
To discuss the benefits of selecting Curian Medical as your partner of choice for rehabilitation please do call Amanda O’Neill on 0121 236 8377.